Input for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi Namespace / Region Class / CreatePolygonRegion Method / CreatePolygonRegion(Point[],PolyFillMode) Method
A System.Drawing.Point array that defines the vertices of the polygon.
C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.PolyFillMode Indicates the poly fill mode is "alternate" or "winding"

In This Topic
    CreatePolygonRegion(Point[],PolyFillMode) Method
    In This Topic
    Create a polygons region from the point array which defines the vertices of the polygon.
    Public Overloads Shared Function CreatePolygonRegion( _
       ByVal polygonPoints() As Point, _
       ByVal polyFillMode As PolyFillMode _
    ) As Region
    public static Region CreatePolygonRegion( 
       Point[] polygonPoints,
       PolyFillMode polyFillMode


    A System.Drawing.Point array that defines the vertices of the polygon.
    C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.DeviceContexts.PolyFillMode Indicates the poly fill mode is "alternate" or "winding"
    This method creates a new Region object with a polygon interior interior. The interior is defined by the polygonPoints parameter.
    See Also